CHOPDIN Communique issued at the end of its 15th Annual Scientific Workshop/Annual General Meeting(AGM) on the 3rd of November, 2014.
Committee of Heads of Physiotherapy Departments in Nigeria(CHOPDIN) had its 15th Annual Scientific Workshop/ Annual General Meeting(AGM) on the 3rd of November, 2014. The theme of the Workshop was “Physiotherapy in the Prevention of Lifestyle Related Diseases”. The AGM also took place the same day and the following resolutions were made:
(1) Training/ Employment of Physiotherapy Assistants/ Technicians: CHOPDIN rejects training and employment of Physiotherapy Assistant/ Technicians in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that NSP should proceed to write the CMDs of the affected hospitals and copy CHOPDIN for documentation
(2) Zonal CHOPDIN meetings: Zonal coordinators should hold meetings in their various zones across the country using any means of communication available including Skype. The retired zonal anchor men should however be replaced
(3) Dual Headship: CHOPDIN restates its earlier position recommending dual headship for Physiotherapy departments in Teaching Hospitals in Nigeria
(4) NSP Activities: The NEC of NSP should always carry CHOPDIN along in its activities for easy dissemination of vital informaton to members on time
(5) Training and Practice: All recommendations of NSP on training and practice should be enforced by MRTB and taken seriously by Physiotherapists
(6) Annual Dues and Levies:
(a) All HODs are to ensure that Physiotherapists in their departments pay NSP annual dues and levies as well as renew licences as at when due
(b) HODs were also reminded of the importance of paying their annual CHOPDIN dues
(7) Retirement: Retired CHOPDIN members are to be given the agreed amount. Plagues will only be given to those who distinguished themselves in the service of CHOPDIN
(8) Election of New Executives: New executive members of CHOPDIN were elected to serve for the next two(2) years
The executive members:
• Chairman- Okulaja Iyabode
• Secretary- Afolabi A. Oluyinka
• Assistant Secretary- Agwagu Mellitus
• Public Relations Officer- Saiwo Omolara
. Treasurer- Cole Abiola
• Chief Whip- Alex Gordon
Thank you.
OKULAJA Iyabode,
AFOLABI A. Oluyinka