The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Lagos, Nigeria over a couple of weeks ago through the index case Mr. Patrick Sawyer who imported EVD to the country a lot has happened and has left very little to be desired. There has so far been 6 reported deaths as at today 31/08/2014, 16 confirmed cases and over 300 people under surveillance who had secondary contacts with the index case. There is a surveillance action taking place in the coal city of Enugu and the first Ebola death outside Lagos has been reported in the Oil city of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Currently there are 5 West African Countries battling this scourge Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and now Senegal.
The fatalities are huge and the death toll is in thousands.These news and figures are alarming with the dynamic of situation changing; a potential escalating to threaten the very essence of our dear nation. The healthcare sector in Nigeria has endured a sweltering time in recent weeks largely based on disharmony amongst the care-givers but in the face of this adversity concerted efforts need to be made to salvage the situation that affects our wellbeing as healthcare providers. This time has come for all of us to form a united front to fight the scourge of EVD. The Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy deemed it necessary to make a position statement on this matter as the government continues concerted efforts particularly what we can do as a professional body and how this affects physiotherapists all around these affected nations in the cause of carrying out thier service to mankind.
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