The President of the Society, Mr Taiwo Oyewumi has reiterated the desire to promote and encourage interest groups within the society to come together and foster relations amongst themselves as well as develop an alliance with the International community by affiliation.
Although some interest groups have been in existence and are affiliated to international bodies but this call came to ensure that the members maximize their full potentials by actively creating and participating in their own interest group of choice to enhance standards of practice and proficiency.He however added that the guidelines for operations of the special interest groups under the hospices of the NSP is undergoing a review and will be available for all members to be adequately informed and be guided by.
A few areas of specialization identified for special interest groups are listed but not limited to the following:
- Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy in Women’s Health
- Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy
- Neurology and Mental Health Physiotherapy
- Paediatric Physiotherapy
- Geriatric Physiotherapy
- Community Physiotherapy
- Ergonomic Physiotherapy
All existing interest groups are therefore requested to forward details of their group/activities to include contact information (e-mail,phone numbers,website,facebook page etc),contact person(s), proposed blue print of activities (where applicable) for purposes of information dissemination to a wider reach.If your area of interest is not on this list,kindly notify the us immediately at
Please share this information with as many colleagues as possible.If you have additional questions or queries do not hesitate to contact us!Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you.
All approved interest groups will be given an official email address for their autonomous correspondence on the NSP website.
Office of the PRO