Abstract Submission for JOSPITALITY 2024

Dear iNSPired professionals, the Education Committee of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy 64th Annual Scientific Conference and 65th Annual General Meeting, 2024 (Jospitality 2024) hosted by the Plateau State Chapter, invites you to submit an abstract for discussion forums, oral and or poster presentations. Kindly note that the abstract must be structured using the following format [not more than 250 words in total, 12 font, Arial design, double spacing].


Section A (Original Research)

Title: The title should be concise and accurately reflect the content of your abstract. It should be centered at the top of the page in bold font size 14. [Not more than 25 words]

Authors: List the names of all authors involved in the research. Include affiliations (universities, institutions, etc) and email addresses. This information is usually centered below the title and italicized.

Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to the topic of your research. Clearly state the problem or question your research aims to address.

Objective/Aim: Clearly state the general objective or aim of your study. What do you intend to achieve with your research?

Methods: Describe the process or approach used to conduct the research. This should include details about the study design, data collection, analysis techniques, etc.

Results: Present the main findings of your study. Summarize the key results and any significant findings or trends.

Conclusion/Clinical Implications: Summarize the conclusions drawn from your study. Discuss the implications of your findings and any recommendations for future research or practice.

Keywords: Provide a list of keywords that accurately describe the content of your abstract.

NB. These keywords will help index your abstract for search purposes.

Section B (Case Report)

Title: The title should be concise and accurately reflect the content of the case report. It should be centered at the top of the page in bold font size 14.

Authors: List the names of all clinicians/team members (if available) involved in handling the case. Include affiliations (universities, institutions, etc.) and email addresses. This information is usually centered below the title and italicized.

Abstract: Provide a structured abstract summarizing the case report. The abstract typically includes the following sections:

  • Background/Introduction: Briefly describe the context and significance of the case.
  • Case/Patient Presentation: Present the details of the case, including patient demographics, clinical history, relevant physical examination findings, diagnostic tests performed management and outcome.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and any lessons learned from the case.

Other sections (as listed below) will follow same format explained above.

  • Randomised Clinical Trial: Background, Methods/design, Discussion, Conclusion, Clinical Implications and Trial Registration. The clinical trial registry name and URL, and the registration number must be included at the end of the abstract.
  • Systematic Reviews: Background, Methods/design, Discussion, Conclusion and Clinical Implications.
  • Innovation: Background (context and purpose); Interest/focus of presentation; Description of work done (links to similar work); Implications; Value to fellow practitioners; Conclusion.
  • Discussion Forums: Background (context and purpose); Interest/focus of presentation; Implications; Value to fellow practitioners; Conclusion.

Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, 31 July, 2024.

Abstract notifications: August, 2024.

Primary presenting author registration deadline: Friday, 30 August, 2024.

NB. Presenters of accepted abstracts will be notified of slide and or poster specifications as well as time allotted for presentation.

Fill this form accurately and patiently as it will be used to generate information to process your CERTIFICATE OF PRESENTATION. Only those who fill this will be attended to.

For conference registration, click here

Please, follow these instructions strictly and fill the form meticulously.